
Total number of users: 244.380
Total Amount of all planned training hours: 176.670.924 hrs

Cycling Statistics

Sum of all cyclists on 2PEAK89.789
Sum of all planned training hours by cyclists on 2PEAK84.734.281 hrs
Amount of all planned races: 1.915
The highest distance logged today: 203,08 km
The most total climbing logged today: 2.858 m
Heart Rate Zones averaged by all cyclists: Zone 1 (recovery zone): > 101.9
Zone 2 (basic endurance zone): > 126.2
Zone 3 (upper endurance zone): > 136.5
Zone 4 (aerobic threshold zone): > 152.7
Zone 5 (high power zone): > 155
Power Zone average of all cyclists:Zone 1 (recovery zone): > 137,60 Watt
Zone 2 (basic endurance zone): > 192,70 Watt
Zone 3 (upper endurance zone): > 233,10 Watt
Zone 4 (aerobic threshold zone): > 295,40 Watt
Zone 5 (high power zone): > 296,50 Watt

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